Friday, 15 February 2013

I'm lovin' it!

No, that was not a reference to McDonald's. And yes, here in Britain we do indeed have McDonald's. Anyway I'm here to talk about what I'm wearing. No I'm not. This is about what I want to where. BUT I CAN'T CAUSE I'M TOO DAMN BROKE. Well, I may or may not have £60 but I am not adventuring into my mum's bra draw to find out. Yes, my ingenious mother really did hide it there. But anyway, this is what your unfashionable soon-to-hopefully-be-fashionable blogger wants for her birthday... 
I've ordered this checked shirt from next. But it's not due for 2 weeks.  And it's a size six. And I'm less than a 4.Oh dear.

Omg. I love this skirt. It's sooo vintagey.  Well, so I think. But anyway, I NEED THIS SKIRT. It's only £11.99....

Is it me or does this seem cowboyish? Lovin' the print and shape of this  shirt.

well, this is a short post. Hmmm....

Monday, 11 February 2013

Let it snow, let snow, let snow.

Ok, I'm gonna be straight here. This blog is kinda a photography/random ranting/me just talking/fashion/stuff blog. Wow, that's a lot.Well, today in London it has been snowing. YAY! ^-^ Snow make me happy! Very,very happy. It was snowing in January but then it stopped. But now it's started again! Whoopie! Anyway, as you may already know, I'm in love with photography. It's an affair. Shhhh, don't tell my books... So, about 15 minute ago I took photos with my loveellyyyy canon camera. It's time I introduced you guys to Derek... Guess my fav.

This is Derek. He is called that because his programmer asked for a nickname so this is what I chose. Sorry for my wrinkly old hands...

Snow close-up...

Twig thingie. The white stuff is snow, if you haven't guessed!

A wet washing line. How fascinating.

Grassy stuff. God, I'm articulate.

 THIS PHOTO. I'M ONE PROUD MOTHER. THANK YOU DEREK. Don't worry my  cap locks isn't going crazy, just  me. It's snow by the way, not stars.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I'm terrible at blogging, aren't I?

I'm sorry I haven't been on for 6 billion years. I'm very forgetful, my brain just explodes sometimes and I forget everything. I thinks it's because I fill my brain with books and completely unnecessary facts about animals. And science facts. Yes, I'm a nerd and a bookworm and I have NO SHAME. NO SHAME. In fact, I believe that people should be proud of their inner geek. I'm a feminist, book-reading nerd and I WILL show off my fabulous book collection. And my kindle. Which my parents bought me because they got tired of buying me books. BOOKS. ajhasdjgdsfggfuyrgf. I LIKE BOOKS!

Can I just say something. Well, of course I can, this is my blog. But let's say you go onto the internet. Tumblr, Facebook maybe. And you find a fandom. You are destroyed. I'm not joking, have you seen those fangirls? For example, the Harry Potter fandom. ( I'm apart of it myself so no offense meant.) If you say one slightly negative thing about Snape, THEY RIP YOUR HEAD OFF AND SHOOT YOUR LIVER. But aside from that, Potterheads are very gentle and loving. Like hufflepuffs. Anyway, I'm really into photography so here's a few photos which I have taken on my camera! :) I LOVE MY CAMERA!
the only photo of me on my camera.
Rainbow boats on the river Thames.
Chrismassy baubles. :)
Dusty rose in my bedroom. Yes, it's fake.

Snow in London. AGES AGO.